Unlocking the Benefits of Reverse Kegel Workouts

Unlocking the Benefits of Reverse Kegel Workouts

Unlocking the Benefits of Reverse Kegel Workouts

Mention 'Kegels' in a casual conversation and you're likely to notice a shift toward hushed tones and nods of recognition. The exercise, long synonymous with its ability to enhance pelvic floor strength, made its debut in the fitness world decades ago. But what about its cousin, the reverse kegel? Despite its equally profound benefits, the reverse kegel remains in the shadows for many. Fitness enthusiasts, pelvic health seekers, and athletes: it's time to embrace the underdog and discover the transformative effects of reverse kegel workouts.

Understanding Reverse Kegels

To truly appreciate the impact of a reverse kegel workout, it's essential to understand what it entails. Counterpart to the traditional kegel exercise, which involves the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, a reverse kegel focuses on relaxation and lengthening of these muscles. This inverse action is a cornerstone for various health and performance benefits, often overlooked but incredibly valuable.

Widely underutilized, the reverse kegel invites you to tune into the less explored dynamic of your pelvic floor, bringing balance to this crucial area of your body. It can be quite the revelation for those who have only ever associated pelvic floor exercises with the act of tightening and contracting.

Benefits for Fitness Enthusiasts

For general fitness buffs, introducing reverse kegel exercises can be a game-changer. Here are some of the key advantages that reverse kegels offer:

Improved Core Strength

By relaxing and gently pushing out, you engage the deep core muscles in a way that supports and stabilizes your spine. This is invaluable for maintaining proper posture, which is the bedrock of any effective fitness regimen.

Enhanced Athletic Performance

In sports and other physical activities, precise control and coordination of movements are often the keys to success. Reverse kegels can contribute to greater agility and control, attributes prized by athletes across the board.

Injury Prevention

A strong core is not just about the coveted six-pack — it's a protective barrier against strains and injuries. Reverse kegel workouts can help maintain the health of muscles, tendons, and ligaments involved in your core strength, reducing your risk of exercise-induced injuries.

Benefits for Pelvic Health Seekers

Those on a quest for better pelvic health can often find solace in the holistic approach that reverse kegel exercises provide. Here's what they have to offer:

Relief from Pelvic Pain

For individuals dealing with chronic pelvic pain, learning to relax the over-tensed muscles through reverse kegel workouts can be genuinely therapeutic.

Improved Bladder Control

Incontinence can be a frustrating everyday battle for many. By learning to relax the pelvic floor muscles, you can achieve greater control over bladder functions and reduce the frequency of leaks.

Postpartum Recovery

Mothers in their postpartum phase can benefit from reverse kegel exercises as they heal and regain strength in their pelvic floor muscles. This gentle approach can aid in recovery and prevent further stress to the area.

Benefits for Athletes

Aside from the well-documented advantages for fitness in general, athletes stand to gain a special set of benefits from integrating reverse kegels into their training regimen:

Increased Power and Control

From the explosive movements of sprinters to the sustained power of weightlifters, many disciplines rely on the ability to contract and relax muscles with precision. Reverse kegel exercises can enhance this critical control, leading to more robust performance.

Improved Breathing and Endurance

The pelvic floor plays a unique role in respiration, and strengthening this muscle group — even through relaxation — can lead to more efficient breathing and heightened endurance levels, particularly for long-distance runners and endurance athletes.

Injury Prevention

Elite athletes often walk the tightrope between peak performance and overtraining. Incorporating reverse kegels as part of a well-rounded training program can be the detail that proactively wards off injuries.

How to Perform Reverse Kegel Workouts

Diving into a reverse kegel routine is deceptively simple. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable space, since these exercises initially require an acute focus on muscle engagement and release.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Begin in a seated or lying position, whichever provides better access to feeling your pelvic floor muscles.
  2. Focus on relaxing your pelvic floor, as if you’re trying to lengthen the space between your pubic bone and tailbone, without bearing down or pushing.
  3. Breathe deeply throughout the exercise, inhaling deeply into your belly and allowing your abdomen to expand.
  4. As you exhale, maintain the relaxed state in the pelvic area.

Tips for Proper Form and Technique

While you don't want to overthink the process, there are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the relaxation is concentrated in your pelvic area and that you're not inadvertently tensing other muscle groups.
  • When learning the exercise for the first time, practice finding the optimal 'release' sensation without any forceful pushing.
  • Be patient with your body. It might take a few sessions to establish a clear mind-muscle connection.

Incorporating Reverse Kegels into Your Fitness Routine

As with any new exercise, consistency is key. But how do you incorporate this novel workout into your existing routine?

Sample Workout Routines

Cater to your schedule and preferences with these sample routines:

  • Daily Mini Sessions: A brief reverse kegel practice before you even roll out of bed in the morning can set a positive tone for the day.
  • Pre-Workout Routine: Spend a few minutes doing reverse kegels as part of your warm-up to activate your core and prime your body for exercise.
  • Cool-Down Stretching Session: Wrap up your workout with a series of reverse kegels to unwind your muscles and prevent post-exercise tension.

Progression and Modification Options

Once you've mastered the basics, consider these modifications to challenge your pelvic floor and core even further:

  • Add resistance by incorporating a Pilates ring or stability ball into your exercises.
  • Time your contractions and relaxations, working towards longer duration holds, similar to the way you might progress with traditional kegel exercises.
  • Combine reverse kegels with your regular ab routine or yoga practice for a multifaceted approach to strength and flexibility.


The benefits of reverse kegel exercises, though often obscured, are unquestionably vast and varied. They promise strength, control, and protection to the very core of your being — both physically and, for some, emotionally. Whether you're striving for peak performance in your chosen sport or aiming to reclaim confidence in your pelvic health, the simple act of learning to release can be the starting point of a profound journey.

ProKegel is a leading brand in pelvic floor strengthening and urinary incontinence management.
We offer FDA approved Kegel exercise products. Over 1,0000 women have used this method
✅Reverses prolapse, incontinence and diastasis recti
✅ Reduce pelvic and lower back pain
✅ Increase sexual desire
✅ Improve overall posture
✅Supports postpartum recovery
✅ Stronger core

Click on the website to find out:



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