Kegel Exercises During Intercourse: Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor for Better Sex

Kegel Exercises During Intercourse: Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor for Better Sex

Kegel Exercises During Intercourse: Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor for Better Sex

Understanding the Pelvic Floor: The Foundation of Your Sexual Wellness

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that stretch like a supportive hammock from your pubic bone to your tailbone. It plays a critical role in bowel, bladder, and sexual function. A strong pelvic floor ensures that these organs are well-supported and helps with control over the bowel and bladder. However, it's often overlooked as a key player in sexual health.

Incorporating kegel exercises into your daily routine not only helps to maintain or restore the strength of these muscles but, when done during intercourse, can add an exciting new dimension to your sexual encounters.

How Kegel Exercises Improve Your Sexual Experience

Increased Vaginal Tightness and Sensation

One of the most immediate effects of regular kegel exercises is the increase in vaginal tightness. Strengthening your pelvic floor can lead to a more pleasurable experience for both you and your partner. The elastic and contractile nature of the vaginal muscles can result in a tighter grip during penetration, making the experience more intimate and enhancing sensation.

Enhanced Orgasmic Experience for Both Partners

A toned pelvic floor is often associated with more intense orgasms. By engaging these muscles, you're essentially building the strength and endurance of the muscles that contract during orgasm. The result? More powerful climax for you and, due to the increased 'grip', a more sensational experience for your partner as well.

Improved Control Over Muscles During Intercourse

Control and coordination of your pelvic muscles can be a game-changer in your ability to truly savor and direct your sexual experience. From engaging in specific muscle contractions to adjusting the pressure and rhythm during sex, kegel exercises can give you the control to lead the encounter towards the climax you desire.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Kegel Exercises

Proper Technique and Form

To perform kegel exercises, you need to tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. These are the muscles you'll use during childbirth or the flex you might do to hold back from passing gas. However, it's crucial not to actually do kegels while urinating, as this can disrupt normal bladder function. Once you identify these muscles, you can do kegels discreetly whenever, wherever; and eventually, during intercourse!

Frequency and Duration of Exercises

Start with a simple pattern, such as holding the contraction for three seconds and then relaxing for three seconds. Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions each day. Over time, you can increase the duration of the hold as the muscles get stronger.

Tips for Tracking Progress

Keeping a journal of your kegel exercises can help you stay on track and monitor your progress. Note the number of sets, reps, the duration of your hold, and any changes in comfort or sensation you experience during intimate moments.

Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions

Myth Debunking

There are mythKegel exercises require no special equipment, and you definitely don't need to wait in the doctor's office to begin. You can start today, at home, and they're completely free!

Addressing Discomfort or Pain

If you experience discomfort or pain while performing kegel exercises, it's important to reassess your technique. You might be engaging the wrong muscles or tensing your stomach, buttocks, or leg muscles, which can lead to strain.

Partner Involvement and Communication

Encouraging Open Conversations

Sexual health is an integral part of overall well-being. Engaging in open, honest discussions about incorporating kegel exercises into your intimate life can be both empowering and beneficial for your relationship.

Incorporating Kegel Exercises Into Intimacy

There are various ways to intertwine kegel exercises with foreplay and during the act. Experiment with different positions and roles. Your partner's involvement can make the experience even more enjoyable and foster intimacy and trust.

Other Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Improving Urinary Incontinence

Involuntary urine leakage can be a significant issue for many women, especially after childbirth or as they age. Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles that control urination, leading to better bladder control.

Postpartum Recovery

Pregnancy and childbirth can strain the pelvic floor, contributing to issues like incontinence and reduced sexual satisfaction. Regular kegel exercises can aid in the recovery process, helping to restore muscle tone and function.


Kegel exercises during intercourse might be the missing piece you've been searching for to improve your sex life. By taking the time to strengthen your pelvic floor, you're not just investing in better health but also in a more exciting, fulfilling sexual experience. Start slowly, communicate with your partner, and enjoy the journey of sexual empowerment and discovery. Your pelvic floor is more than a set of muscles – it's the foundation of pleasure, and with the right exercises, it can transform your sex life in ways you never thought possible.

Or you can try our product ProKegel, which features AutoKegel® technology, so you don't need to do 100 Kegel exercises a day or expensive drug gadgets!
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